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Mitch had worked at his company for over 25 years.  Since the first day he worked there, anything thrown in the discard pile was fair game for employees.  One day someone corporate personnel saw his van full of materials,  fired him and called the police.

Mitch  was in deep trouble for the first time in his life.  He knew he hadn’t taken anything from his employer that wasn’t otherwise headed for the garbage,  but no one believed him.    We interviewed witnesses who had worked for Mitch’s ex-employer and prepared for trial.

The DA threw every roadblock in our way she legally could.  But we persisted.  After a two day trial, the jury returned a not guilty verdict.

It was not easy or inexpensive for Mitch.  But thanks to the teamwork at The Law Office of Robert J. Sisson,  we were able to show how ridiculous the charges against Mitch were. It was nice to know justice was served.

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