Most of the time Jerry was just an ordinary guy who held an ordinary job, paid his taxes and did the things that everyone else does in the Fox Cities. Life was going fine. Oh, sometimes Jerry drank too much, got too far in debt, but he didn’t think he’d end up breaking the law, or if he broke the law, that he’d get caught.
One day Jerry’s flings on the wild side caught up with him. The police came with a warrant and arrested him right in his house! Jerry’s wife knew that Jerry did wrong, but also wanted him to get the best possible legal representation.
Jerry’s wife called my office. We represented Jerry at his bail hearing, worked out a reasonable agreement with the prosecutor, and rallied support for Jerry at sentencing. Jerry is on probation and he got some time in the county jail, but he did not go to prison like some people thought he would for that kind of crime. We didn’t work any miracles, but we did make sure that Jerry effectively utilized every chance available to keep him in the community where he could hold down a job, pay taxes, get counseling, and support his family.