Zuelke Building, 103 West College Avenue, Suite 1010, Appleton, WI 54911

Contact Us 920.993.7777

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FREE Initial Consultation


We help people who need relief from significant debt.  We know that in almost all cases people who need financial help are not those who are living beyond their means, but rather those who have been hurt by the economic recession, job loss, and often medical matters or other unforeseen circumstances.

We Don’t Judge Our Bankruptcy Clients

We treat all of our clients with the utmost respect and attention.  We do everything possible to help bring the best result under bankruptcy laws. We are compassionate, caring and committed.

We know that you will likely have many questions about your case, such as what will happen to your home, your vehicles, savings accounts, and other assets if you file for bankruptcy.  We are there to answer these and all other related questions

The Bankruptcy Laws Are Designed to Give People a Fresh Start

In enacting bankruptcy protection laws, our Congress has realized that it’s in the best interest of our nation to give people an opportunity to start over financially.   With a fresh start, people are able to begin contributing the economy without having a financial cloud hanging over them.

Call Us to Find Out How We Can Help

If you are facing significant debt, please call our firm to find out how we may be able to help.  The initial consultation is free.  Once we learn about the specific facts and circumstances of your situation, we can advise you of the options that may be available to you.