How We Serve Clients
Our Criminal Defense Practice
Whether a case involves, OWI, assault, homicide, a traffic matter, or other offense, we have established reputations among our peers and opposing counsel as no-nonsense attorneys. We do our homework. We do not make frivolous, nonsensical arguments. Cases that should go to trial go to trial. If the client wants to avoid trial, we negotiate the best deal possible. Fortunately, we are experienced enough to know the difference.
When we represent clients, we examine all available options. Our knowledge and experience gives us the edge we need to make the system work for our clients. We offer aggressive advocacy that does not end until the final hearing.
Our Bankruptcy Practice
Our bankruptcy practice focuses on examining the financial circumstances of our client and providing sound advice as to what options are available. In many instances this involves filing for bankruptcy; in other cases other possible alternatives exist.
We know that every client’s case is unique. We know that you will likely have many questions about what will happen to your possessions if you file for bankruptcy, and we will be there to answer your questions and to represent you before creditors.
Other Practice Areas
Our firm also represents clients and provides advice in many matters, including juvenile criminal matters and debt amortization. We invite you to call us for these and the other legal needs identified on our website.
Call Us – Find Out How We Can Help
We offer a free consultation regarding the above-referenced matters so that we may learn about you, and best know how to help you.