Zuelke Building, 103 West College Avenue, Suite 1010, Appleton, WI 54911

Contact Us 920.993.7777

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FREE Initial Consultation

Attorney-Client Privilege and the Right to Confidentiality.

You’ve probably heard of the attorney-client privilege. This means that a lawyer – or any member of his or her staff – can’t reveal most things you say or show to him or her. This is true (a) if you’ve hired that lawyer, or (b) if you’re thinking of hiring the lawyer when you communicate this information.

There are exceptions. For example, if your communication involves anything which may become illegal, like a scheme to defraud or give perjured testimony, then it’s not privileged.

Attorney-client privilege exists so that clients feel free to openly communicate with his or her attorney, without fear that the attorney will later be required to disclose information obtained from a client.  Such communication is critical in order to conduct a proper defense of a client.

If you have any questions about attorney-client confidentiality, please ask.

We will be happy to answer your questions, and to explain any issues in respect of this confidentiality.  Similarly, we will caution you that this confidentiality does not extend to others, such as you friends, and that you should not discuss your with others who might then be called to testify against you in court.