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Abdul’s family had helped the Americans find Taliban and Al Quaida  soldiers in the aftermath of September 11.  Abdul came to the Fox River Valley from Pakistan  to avoid reprisals and find  a better life.  Unfortunately, he had a head injury and started acting differently.  Soon he was in trouble with the law and facing a felony.

Abdul faced possible jail or prison followed by deportation if something wasn’t done.   Abdul’s  friend, Hussein, asked us to help Abdul.  We took the case.  Through careful investigation, we found a number of witnesses whose testimony could prove that Abdul’s problems went beyond difficulties adjusting to American culture.

We provided the court’s  psychiatrist with the results of our investigation into Abdul’ s background.  He concluded our client suffered from a mental condition triggered by his head injury.  Even the DA agreed with the psychiatrist’s conclusion.  Abdul is now in a mental hospital getting the help that he needs.

When your friends are in trouble, they need a firm with a Certified Criminal Trial Specialist to protect their futures. The Law Office of Robert J. Sisson can help.

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