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With 20-20 hindsight,  Bob should have known better.  He found a 14 year old runaway when shopping at the mall.  Bob  thought he would take her home rather than call the police.  The next day the police called and accused Bob of attempting to molest the girl and receiving shoplifted merchandise from her.

Bob was a family man and had never been in legal trouble before.  His world was crumbling apart when The Law Office of Robert J. Sisson agreed to represent him.

The DA dangled a misdemeanor in front of Bob but we advised him not to take it.  Bob had done nothing wrong other than use poor judgment in being alone with a teen with trouble written all over her.

To Bob’s wife, it seemed like the only people who believed Bob were his lawyer and her.  At the jury trial, she saw Len cross examine the State’s witnesses and argue Bob’s case in front of the jury.  When the day was over, 12 jurors saw what Bob and her knew all along—Not Guilty.  It cost several thousand dollars in legal fees but you can’t put a price on preserving your self-respect and reputation.  It made us feel good that we helped preserve one of the intangibles that make life worth living for Bob and others who enjoy the freedoms we have in this country: justice.

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