Zuelke Building, 103 West College Avenue, Suite 1010, Appleton, WI 54911

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Tom’s experience with attorneys had not been pleasant.  They never returned his calls and they charged him an arm and a leg for what he later found out was a fairly routine case.  When Tom got another summons in the mail, he called The Law Office of Robert J. Sisson.

Tom was in a little deeper trouble this time than he had been before.  We took the time to explain to Tom what his options were and the results we thought we could achieve.  When he called us with questions, we got an answer for him within 24 hours and called him back at night or from a car phone if we had to.  Returning calls promptly and answering client questions is part of the quality representation we provide for clients at The Law Office of Robert J. Sisson.

We can’t perform miracles and we can’t change the facts.  However, we can and do make sure that our clients know what is going on in their cases and are given every right available to them under the law.

If legal trouble comes knocking on your door, call the firm that will call you back.  The Law Office of Robert J. Sisson are known for the clients who know what is going on.

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